Introduction to Data Communications
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54f. IP Header

The IP datagram is traditional represented by many rows of 32 bits (4 octets or bytes). Each 32 bit word is stacked on top of each other as per the following diagram for the IP header:

Field				Description

Version (4 bits)	The IP version, currently it is version 4

	0		Reserved

	1-3		Unassigned

	4		IP		Internet Protocol

	5		ST		ST Datagram Mode

	6		SIP		Simple Internet Protocol

	7		TP/IX		TP/IX: The Next Internet

	8		PIP		The P Internet Protocol


	10-14		Unassigned

	15		Reserved

IHL (4 bits)		Internet Header Length, the length of the IP header in 32 bit words.

Type of Service		Flags to indicate precedence, delay, throughput and

(8 bits)		reliability parameters.

	Bit 0-2: 	Precedence

			000 - Routine

			001 - Priority

			010 - Immediate

			011 - Flash

			100 - Flash override

			101 - CRITIC / ECP

			110 - Internet control

			111 - Network control

	Bit 3:		0 = Normal delay, 1 = Low delay

	Bit 4:		0 = Normal throughput, 1 = High throughput

	Bit 5:		0 = Normal reliability, 1 = High reliability

	Bit 6-7:	Reserved for future use.

Total Length		Total length in bytes of the IP datagram (IP header and data)

(16 bits)		Minimum length = 576, Maximum length = 65,535

Identification		Unique identifying number for this datagram

(16 bits)

Flags (3 bits)		Options that indicate if fragmentation s permitted and/or used

	Bit 0:	Reserved, allways set to 0

	Bit 1:	0 = May fragment, 1 = Don't fragment

	Bit 2:	0 = Last fragment, 1 = More fragments

Fragment Offset		Indicates where in the entire datagram, this particular fragment

(13 bits)		belongs. Measured in 64 bit units from the beginning of the

			initial datagram.

Time to live (TTL)	Measured in hop counts or seconds. Every transverse through

(8 bits)		a router or gateway will decrement the hop count. When the

			TTL equals 0, the datagram is discarded. This stops datagrams

			from circulating the network forever. Starts at TTL = 255.

Protocol		Identifies the next protocol that follows the IP header.

(8 bits)		The full listing of protocols is in
Appendix G: IP Header Protocols.

			Examples are:

	Decimal	Protocol	Description

	0			Reserved

	1	ICMP		Internet Control Message

	2	IGMP		Internet Group Management

	6	TCP		Transmission Control

	37	DDP		Datagram Delivery Protocol

	46	RSVP		Reservation Protocol

	93	AX.25		AX.25 Frames

Header Checksum		A 32 bit Cyclic Redundacy Check that may be checked at each

(32 bit)		gateway.

Source Address		An IP address indicating the sender. Ex.

(32 bit)

Destination Address	An IP address indicating the receiptient. Ex.

(32 bit)

Options			Options from the sender such as route specifications.


Padding			Ensures that the IP header ends on a 32 bit boundary.

Introduction to Data Communications
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